During my ten years of self-funded research it has been my very great pleasure to have contact with various academics from universities both in the UK and in the wider world, who all willingly shared their research papers and commentary with me. This page offers a selection of web links to published academic papers, which represent many years of research and demonstrate the preventable harm created by UK government social policy reforms. MS
Remarkable people though many of them are, academics do tend to live in their own little world. They conduct detailed research over years, which often has significant implications for millions of lives yet, once published in an academic journal which the lay public can’t access, they don’t think to tell the people who will be impacted by their findings. With the exception of Ben Barr who, with colleagues, conducted significant research and identified the Work Capability Assessment (WCA) as negatively impacting on public mental health, and then held interviews with the BBC and the press so that the general public were informed, other academics make major discoveries then move on to the next project… Thankfully, John Pring of the Disability News Service offers a great deal of important evidence, but the lay public don’t tend to read his news stories, and it’s the British public who need to be alerted to this ongoing ‘national atrocity’, which has seen thousands of deaths linked to the WCA. All independent research and all detailed evidence against the assessment is disregarded by the government. Below are links to important and significant academic research papers. Several of the research papers and articles listed below can be found on the academic page of this website, and I am grateful to Policy Press who made relevant articles free of charge in their journals to permit me to reproduce some of them on this website. WARNING: Some of the research evidence may cause considerable distress.