

If ten years of research has taught me anything it’s that research is limited by the evidence it contains, by the motivation and honesty of the author(s) and, to a large extent, by who funded it as cash is usually at the heart of any government deception. My book ‘Cash Not Care’ was the result of seven years of in depth personal research which collated evidence from the academic world, the disabled community and from the distinguished professional evidence that is never identified by the national press so the British public remain in ignorance of the preventable harm created by the British government; supposedly on their behalf and in their name. Information is scattered everywhere and only luck, and the persistence of this researcher, will bring significant evidence all together in one place. Here I offer a selection of evidence from distinguished professionals. The page begins with contributions from disabled people themselves who are working voluntarily but who, due to their significant skills, provide very detailed high calibre professional reports. Expect to learn a lot. MS

The Commission on Social Security

Chronic Illness Inclusion Project”

The Chronic Illness Inclusion Project (CIIP) ran from 2017 to 2019 as part of the DRILL programme of research led by disabled people, for disabled people. We looked at the experience of chronic illness as a type of disability or, in the language of the UK Disabled People’s Movement, as an ‘impairment group’. The CIIP was a programme of emancipatory research, aiming to begin to transform that knowledge from an individual experience into a collective struggle for change. Our research agenda evolved from the researchers lived experience of chronic illness, and their involvement of internet-based peer support networks and communities for chronic illness. It culminates in a manifesto for equality and inclusion, to be launched alongside this report. The full report is available online via the Centre for Welfare Reform.

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Spartacus Network ~ “ Alone we whisper; together we shout.”

The Spartacus Network are a group of highly skilled chronically ill and disabled people. They pool their skills and resources to write detailed reports that interpret government policies which impact on the lives and the welfare of sick and disabled people, whose financial survival is dependent upon social security benefits.

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Ekklesia is an independent think-tank which generates interesting new angles in often previously polarised debates. An extensive network of associates and contacts can give expert advice and comment in most areas of public policy. Bernadette Meaden is the critically acclaimed Ekklesia associate who passes comment regarding the plight of chronically sick and disabled people as they endure the ongoing ‘welfare reforms’, and Bernadette offers the much needed moral and ethical considerations that are missing from government social policies.  I am very grateful to Ekklesia for their kind permission to republish these commentaries.

Courtesy of Guardian News and Media Services.

Frances Ryan is a political journalist, writing and talking about most things to do with the preventable harm endured by sick and disabled people. She writes a weekly column for the Guardian: ‘Hardworking Britain’ and has a recurring disability column in the Society section of the Guardian. Frances has written for the New Statesman and the Independent and contributes to TV and radio discussions when commenting on political stories impacting on disabled people. Frances has a doctorate in politics, and demonstrates with ease the many atrocities committed by successive UK governments, with severe consequences for the sick and disabled community who are financially dependent upon the State for their survival. Frances is herself disabled and has become the voice of the suffering of disabled people, due to savage government policies, which were always destined to cause preventable harm. It was my enormous pleasure to meet Francis when we both spoke at the National Union of Disabled Students’ Conference in 2017. Francis never fails to impress but caution is advised. Her writing is always powerful, and should raise cause for concern regarding the political tyranny now imposed on those in greatest need. MS

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The Centre for Welfare Reform was created in 2009 by the Director, Dr Simon Duffy, as a way to advance social justice. They provide a platform for positive social change for an international network of community leaders, activists, researchers and campaigners. Below are a number of reports provided by the Centre and I am very grateful to Simon for permission to reproduce them on the website.

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Linda Nee is an American working as a consultant providing insureds ‘with expert disability claim consulting services,’ and helps clients to access their private healthcare insurance claims. Linda first attracted public attention in the UK when she made a valuable contribution to an October 2007 BBC News report. It exposed the influence of UnumProvident Insurance with British welfare reform policies when using the same mentality as the American corporate insurance giant, which is to delay and deny as many claims as possible.  Linda also has an online blog, which is growing in popularity with UK citizens. In the past Linda has invited MS to write for her blog, and she encourages Americans to protest like disabled people in the UK, but she feels that Americans are too intimidated to risk marching in the streets. Linda is a great supporter of the struggle in the UK for sick and disabled people to find justice, and often alerts her American readers to what’s happening in the UK regarding welfare reforms and the protests against them.


Inclusion London was set up in 2008. It represents over 70 deaf and disabled people’s organisations (DDPO) working across every London borough and, through these organisations, Inclusion London’s reach extends to over 70,000 disabled Londoners. They offer a range of capacity building projects to help build skills, knowledge and sustainability of DDPOs and the wider disability sector. Inclusion London have been instrumental in helping the disabled community to challenge the DWP, resorting to the law when necessary to challenge the abuse of human rights and independent living due to the introduction of DWP policies, which are guaranteed to cause preventable harm. Inclusion London provide highly skilled speakers for information events held for disability groups and carers, and they support others in the field. They were instrumental in arranging the London book launch of ‘Cash Not Care’ for MS in October 2016, and they offered the IT support needed to add the book launch to YouTube. I value their support. MS


Equality and Human Rights have been largely disregarded by right-wing UK governments since 2010. Now, the latest report by the Equality and Human Rights Commission has exposed the UK government, identifying the fact that they are disregarding their obligations to human rights, and have failed to live up to their commitments.